Dr Rajan Payyappilly
Specialist General Practitioner
Dr Rajan Antony Payyappilly graduated MBBS ( St. Johns Medical College, Bangalore India.)
Passed AMAC subsequently worked in few Hospitals in Victoria. He completed FRACGP/FAMAC/M.AppSc. (Medical Acupuncture(RMIT/Melbourne)/Dip in Acupuncture( Monash University Melbourne) prior to medicine, obtained B.Sc (Zoology)D.S.S (P.G Diploma in Social Work).
He now works as GP in Olsen Avenue Medical Center , Labrador/Calamvale Family Practice. He has a special interest in Medical Acupuncture/Low level Laser Accupuncture (Photobiomodulation) and Japanese Acupuncture (Dr.Manaka)
- Accepts new patients
- Accepts referrals from other doctors for procedures or opinion in area of speciality
This profile was last modified on February 20, 2024.
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